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Active Bluestone Mines In New York State
Record Count: 97 Rows: 1 to 97Region | OwnerType | MineID | County | Town | Company | MineName | Address | City | State | Zip1 | Phone | Contact |
4 | Industry | 40727 | Albany | Coeymans | New York Quarries Inc | Mossy Hill Quarry (Alcove Pit) | 305 State Route 111 | Alcove | NY | 12007 | 5187563138 | Nancy O'Brien |
4 | Industry | 40806 | Albany | Berne | William M Larned And Sons Inc | Grippy Quarry | 544 Burdeck St | Schenectady | NY | 12306 | 5183746961 | Timothy Larned |
7 | Industry | 70016 | Broome | Windsor | Damascus 535 Quarry And Stone Products LLC | Broome County Quarry | 859 John C. McNamara Dr | Montrose | PA | 18801 | 5702784901 | Timothy M. Smith |
7 | Industry | 70660 | Broome | Sanford | Kilmer, Herbert | Marsh Pond Quarry | 52 Pinehill Rd | Nicholson | PA | 18446 | 5704342060 | Herbert Kilmer |
7 | Industry | 70783 | Broome | Sanford | Kamp, John | Frank Kamp Quarry - Boskett Road | 539 NY SR 41 | Deposit | NY | 13754 | 6077435622 | John Kamp |
7 | Industry | 70787 | Broome | Windsor | RPC Resources LLC | Myers Mine | PO Box 688 | Binghamton | NY | 13902 | 6077256634 | Robert P. Coughlin |
7 | Industry | 70802 | Broome | Windsor | Alfred Gorick Co Inc | Masciarelli Pit - Trim Street | PO Box 400 | Kirkwood | NY | 13795 | 6077755100 | Alfred Gorick |
7 | Industry | 70810 | Broome | Sanford | Tompkins Bluestone Co Inc | Thomas Quarry - Kenyon Hill Road | 325 Tar Hollow Rd | Hancock | NY | 13783 | 6076375222 | Richard Mirch |
7 | Industry | 70815 | Broome | Windsor | Rucole Stone LLC | Hawkins Pond Quarry | 301 Shore Drive | Tunkhannock | PA | 18657 | 5708332767 | Bill Ruark |
7 | Industry | 70830 | Broome | Sanford | Devonian Stone Of New York Inc | Amendola Bluestone Quarry | 463 Atwell Hill Road | Windsor | NY | 13865 | 6076552600 | Samuel Benitez |
7 | Industry | 70844 | Broome | Windsor | Kilmer, Gary | Bell Road Mine | 405 State Route 374 | Nicholson | PA | 18446 | 5709424393 | Gary Kilmer |
7 | Industry | 70883 | Broome | Windsor | Sanford Stone LLC | Cascade Valley Quarry | 1823 Airport Road | Deposit | NY | 13754 | 6077251780 | George Sanford |
7 | Industry | 70890 | Broome | Windsor | Kilmer, Matt | Anne Road Quarry | 13763 State Route 92 | South Gibson | PA | 18842 | 5702806263 | Matt Kilmer |
7 | Industry | 70897 | Broome | Windsor | Empet, Tim | Honey Hollow Quarry | 1333 S. Harmony Road | Kingsley | PA | 18826 | 5702411412 | Tim Empet |
7 | Industry | 70902 | Broome | Windsor | Burnett, Todd | Fern Gully | 67 Kent Street | Windsor | NY | 13865 | 6072217745 | Todd Burnett |
7 | Industry | 70909 | Broome | Sanford | Rucole Stone LLC | Struble Quarry #1 | 301 Shore Drive | Tunkhannock | PA | 18657 | 5708332767 | Bill Ruark |
7 | Industry | 70910 | Broome | Windsor | Hepco Quarries Inc | Hepler Mine | 51 Steam Hollow Road | Halstead | PA | 18822 | 5704994480 | Brian Hepler |
7 | Industry | 70913 | Broome | Windsor | Empet, Tim | Higgins Quarry | 1333 S. Harmony Road | Kingsley | PA | 18826 | 5702411412 | Tim Empet |
7 | Industry | 70927 | Broome | Conklin | MS Contracting LLC | Bailey Mine | 2197 Lillie Hill Road | Apalachin | NY | 13732 | 6072377282 | Steve Gregg |
7 | Industry | 70942 | Broome | Sanford | Axtell, Joshua | Axtell Quarry | 597 Airport Rd | Depsoit | NY | 13754 | 6072378208 | Joshua Axtell |
7 | Industry | 70943 | Broome | Windsor | Decker, Allen | Osterman Quarry | 301 Washington St. | Great Bend | PA | 18821 | 5706043716 | Allen Decker |
7 | Industry | 70951 | Broome | Conklin | Roberts, Joseph | State Line Quarry | 320 Franklin Avenue | Susquehanna | PA | 18847 | 5709064348 | Joseph Roberts |
7 | Industry | 70952 | Broome | Conklin | Decker, Lee | Decker Bluestone Quarry | Grippen Hill Rd | Vestal | NY | 13850 | 6079539003 | Lee Decker |
7 | Industry | 70968 | Broome | Sanford | BAndE Dimensional Stoneworks LLC | Big Hollow Quarry | 19 Primrose Drive | Springbrook Twp | PA | 18444 | 5708404177 | Brian Litts |
7 | Industry | 70972 | Broome | Windsor | Burnett, Todd | Fern Gully #2 | 67 Kent Street | Windsor | NY | 13865 | 6072217745 | Todd Burnett |
7 | Industry | 70980 | Broome | Windsor | Blue Stone Quarry Inc. | Williams Road Quarry | 2 Trap Rock Circle | New City | NY | 10956 | 8456347196 | Charles Capasso |
7 | Industry | 70995 | Broome | Conklin | Decker, Kenneth | Farnham Quarry | 3724 Forest Street | Hop Bottom | PA | 18824 | 5706773710 | Kenneth Decker |
7 | Industry | 71000 | Broome | Sanford | DewDec Farms Inc | Dew Dec Farms Quarry | 463 Atwell Hill Road | Windsor | NY | 13865 | 6076552600 | Samuel Benitez |
7 | Industry | 71003 | Broome | Windsor | Vanzandt, Sharon | Norm's Quarry | 16 Williams Road | Windsor | NY | 13865 | 6076551605 | Sharon Vanzandt |
7 | Industry | 71004 | Broome | Windsor | Empet, Tim | Donlick Quarry | 1333 S. Harmony Road | Kingsley | PA | 18826 | 5702411412 | Tim Empet |
7 | Industry | 71009 | Broome | Windsor | Evans, John | Hall Quarry | 1674 Franks Rd | Susquehanna | PA | 18847 | 5706875250 | John Evans |
7 | Industry | 71011 | Broome | Windsor | McCarey, Jason | Tusca Ridge Main | 290 Elk Manor Estates | Union Dale | PA | 18470 | 5708774547 | Jason McCarey |
7 | Industry | 71013 | Broome | Windsor | Evans, John | Brink Quarry | 1674 Franks Rd | Susquehanna | PA | 18847 | 5706875250 | John Evans |
7 | Industry | 71017 | Broome | Windsor | Holbrook, Josh | Vivito Quarry | 1403 Squiers Road | Montrose | PA | 18801 | 6077597306 | Josh Holbrook |
7 | Industry | 71037 | Broome | Sanford | Bosket, Andrew | Bosket Brothers Quarry | 44 Old Plank Road | Deposit | NY | 13754 | 6072872981 | Andrew Bosket |
7 | Industry | 71038 | Broome | Sanford | Salinas Brothers Stones LLC | Bruckner Quarry | 80 Elm St | Deposit | NY | 13754 | 5704456022 | Roni Salinas |
7 | Industry | 71043 | Broome | Conklin | Casselbury, Jason dba Casselbury Flagstone | Fall Brook Quarry #1 | 3351 SR 2002 | Hop Bottom | PA | 18824 | 5708147692 | Jason Cassellbury |
7 | Industry | 71047 | Broome | Windsor | O'Dell, William J | Blewett Quarry #2 | 215 Beaver Meadow Road | New Milford | PA | 18834 | 5705108419 | William J. O'Dell |
7 | Industry | 71055 | Broome | Sanford | Decker, Allen | Albrecht Quarry | 301 Washington St. | Great Bend | PA | 18821 | 5706043716 | Allen Decker |
7 | Industry | 71056 | Broome | Sanford | Shaver Hill Heights LLC | O'Brien Rd Quarry | 584 Shaver Hill Road | Deposit | NY | 13754 | 6074672685 | Rick Williams |
7 | Industry | 71061 | Broome | Windsor | Grekin, Stephen | Ridge Line Quarry | 2421 Old Route 17 | Windsor | NY | 13865 | 6074676211 | Stephen Grekin |
7 | Industry | 71062 | Broome | Windsor | Gunn, Jeffrey | Randell Quarry (McAllister Rd. Quarry) | 105 State Route 1008 | Susquehanna | PA | 18847 | 6077607809 | Jeffrey Gunn |
7 | Industry | 71070 | Broome | Sanford | Decker, Allen | Andresen Quarry | 301 Washington St. | Great Bend | PA | 18821 | 5706043716 | Allen Decker |
7 | Industry | 71078 | Broome | Windsor | Stony Hill LLC | Stony Hill Quarry | 182 Brink Road | Kirkwood | NY | 13795 | 6077759752 | Robert Kutalek |
7 | Industry | 71079 | Broome | Windsor | J And J Stone Products Inc | J And J Quarry (J And J Blewett Quarry) | 900 Glenwood Road | Hop Bottom | PA | 18824 | 5702414361 | Jeff Mikloiche |
7 | Industry | 71089 | Broome | Windsor | Bishop, David | Bishop/Emmons Quarry | 430 1st Street | Richmondale | PA | 18421 | 5705756488 | David Bishop |
7 | Industry | 71090 | Broome | Windsor | Doolittle Stone LLC | Gulf Summit Quarry | 290 Elk Manor Estates | Union Dale | PA | 18470 | 5708774547 | Jason McCarey |
7 | Industry | 71091 | Broome | Windsor | BAndE Dimensional Stoneworks LLC | BAndE Smith Quarry | 19 Primrose Drive | Springbrook Twp | PA | 18444 | 5708404177 | Brian Litts |
7 | Industry | 71094 | Broome | Windsor | Kilmer, Thomas | Stroll Quarry | 16 Finn Road | Factoryville | PA | 18419 | 5704342060 | Thomas Kilmer |
7 | Industry | 71096 | Broome | Windsor | Sanchez, Mario | Dickinson Road Quarry | 1766 Peck Hill Street | New Milford | PA | 18834 | 5703969709 | Mario Sanchez |
7 | Industry | 71097 | Broome | Windsor | Bishop, David | Farnham Rd Quarry (Barresi Quarry) | 430 1st Street | Richmondale | PA | 18421 | 5705756488 | David Bishop |
7 | Industry | 71098 | Broome | Sanford | 3P Realty LLC | Adobe 2 Quarry | 109 Main Ave | Clarks Summit | PA | 18411 | 5703621646 | Michael Patrician |
7 | Industry | 71103 | Broome | Sanford | Decker, Allen | Andresen Quarry No. 3 | 301 Washington St. | Great Bend | PA | 18821 | 5706043716 | Allen Decker |
7 | Industry | 71107 | Broome | Windsor | Kipar, Pat | Beaver Lake Road Mine | 243 Mcgavin Rd | Meshoppen | PA | 18630 | 5702406949 | Pat Kipar |
7 | Industry | 71112 | Broome | Windsor | Josh Holbrook Flagstone LLC | McAllister Road Quarry | 1403 Squires Road | Montrose | PA | 18801 | 6077597306 | Josh Holbrook |
7 | Industry | 70906 | Chenango | Afton | Syracuse Sand And Gravel LLC | Afton Mine | 6131 East Taft Road | N. Syracuse | NY | 13212 | 3154335115 | Richard Riccelli |
7 | Industry | 71020 | Chenango | Guilford | Upstate Companies I, LLC | Upstate Companies Quarry | 1690 State Highway 8 | Mt. Upton | NY | 13809 | 6074344149 | Brian Zaczek |
7 | Industry | 71052 | Chenango | Smithville | Barnes, Caleb | Old Handsome Bluestone Quarry II | 176 Old State Highway 8 North | Mt. Upton | NY | 13089 | 6072447052 | Caleb Barnes |
7 | Industry | 71058 | Chenango | Afton | Hulbert, Jeremy | Wacha Quarry | 106 Ingham Lane | Bainbridge | NY | 13733 | 6075917100 | Jeremy Hulbert |
7 | Industry | 71085 | Chenango | Afton | Double Axe Stone Company LLC | Hall Road Mine | 597 Airport Road | Deposit | NY | 13754 | 6072378208 | Josh Axtell |
4 | Industry | 40003 | Delaware | Hancock | Cobleskill Stone Products Inc | Hancock Quarry | PO Box 220 | Cobleskill | NY | 12043 | 5182340225 | Emil Galasso |
4 | Industry | 40661 | Delaware | Colchester | Johnston And Rhodes Bluestone Co | Shinhopple Quarry | 1 Bridge St, Box 130 | East Branch | NY | 13756 | 6073637595 | Peter Johnston, Sr. |
4 | Industry | 40722 | Delaware | Deposit | Schaefer Enterprises of Deposit Inc. | Schaefer Bluestone Quarry | 315 Old Route 10 | Deposit | NY | 13745 | 6074674990 | Larry Schaefer |
4 | Industry | 40724 | Delaware | Hancock | Doolittle Stone LLC | Moldenhauer Quarry | 290 Elk Manor Estates | Union Dale | PA | 18470 | 5708774547 | Jason McCarey |
4 | Industry | 40728 | Delaware | Masonville | Kilmer, Theodore | Savino Quarry | 443 State Route 374 | Nicholson | PA | 18446 | 5706046482 | Ted Kilmer |
4 | Industry | 40732 | Delaware | Tompkins | Shursky Real Estate Co LLC | Sands Creek Quarry | PO Box 277 | Lake Como | PA | 18437 | 6072864181 | Nick Shursky |
4 | Industry | 40733 | Delaware | Masonville | American Bluestone LLC | Masonville Quarry | PO Box 117 | Sidney | NY | 13838 | 2129354242 | Robert McDuffey |
4 | Industry | 40737 | Delaware | Colchester | Johnston And Rhodes Bluestone Co | Signor Quarry | 1 Bridge St, Box 130 | East Branch | NY | 13756 | 6073637595 | Peter Johnston |
4 | Industry | 40739 | Delaware | Tompkins | RCS, LLC | Roods Creek Quarry | 315 Old Route 10 | Deposit | NY | 13754 | 6074674990 | Larry Schaefer |
4 | Industry | 40740 | Delaware | Masonville | Johnston And Rhodes Bluestone Co | Fiumera - Scheetz Quarry | 1 Bridge St, Box 130 | East Branch | NY | 13756 | 6073637595 | Peter Johnston |
4 | Industry | 40741 | Delaware | Tompkins | Tompkins Bluestone Co Inc | Dry Brook Stone And Timber/Borchert Quarry | 325 Tar Hollow Rd | Hancock | NY | 13783 | 6076375222 | Richard Mirch |
4 | Industry | 40743 | Delaware | Masonville | Masonville Stone Inc | Masonville Quarry | 12999 NYS Route 8 | Masonville | NY | 13804 | 6072653597 | David Barnes |
4 | Industry | 40779 | Delaware | Walton | Logs Unlimited LLC | Walton #1 Quarry | 98 Murphy Hill Road | Walton | NY | 13856 | 5708533711 | Bruce Taylor, Sr. |
4 | Industry | 40785 | Delaware | Walton | Johnston And Rhodes Bluestone Co | Doc Smith Mt. Holly Mines | 1 Bridge St, Box 130 | East Branch | NY | 13756 | 6073637595 | Peter Johnston |
4 | Industry | 40788 | Delaware | Walton | MSR Inc | Constable Quarry | 6551 State Hwy 30 | Downsville | NY | 13755 | 6073632552 | Howard Buttel |
4 | Industry | 40797 | Delaware | Colchester | Doig Excavating Inc | Chain Gang Quarry | 203 Gregory Hollow Road | Downsville | NY | 13755 | 6072876859 | David Doig |
4 | Industry | 40816 | Delaware | Hancock | Tompkins Bluestone Co Inc | Franklin Square Hunting Club Quarry | 325 Tar Hollow Rd | Hancock | NY | 13783 | 6076375222 | Richard Mirch |
4 | Industry | 40864 | Delaware | Deposit | Sanford Stone LLC | Sohonyay Quarry old Schaefer Exploration | 1823 Airport Road | Deposit | NY | 13754 | 6077251780 | George Sanford |
4 | Industry | 40871 | Delaware | Deposit | Sanford Stone LLC | Silver Lake Quarry | 1823 Airport Road | Deposit | NY | 13754 | 6077251780 | George Sanford |
4 | Industry | 40890 | Delaware | Hancock | Sonny And Sons Stone Company LLC | Woodwise Quarry #1 | 13141 State Highway 30 | Downsville | NY | 13755 | 6073637543 | Harry Triebe, Jr. |
4 | Industry | 40895 | Delaware | Kortright | Seward Sand And Gravel Inc | Gillette Quarry | 532 Co Hwy 58 | Oneonta | NY | 13820 | 6074321653 | David Beisler |
4 | Industry | 40901 | Delaware | Tompkins | Sonny And Sons Stone Company LLC | Lee Moat Quarry | 13141 State Highway 30 | Downsville | NY | 13755 | 6073637543 | Harry Triebe, Jr. |
4 | Industry | 40914 | Delaware | Deposit | Schaefer Enterprises of Deposit Inc. | Rte 8 Quarry | 315 Old Route 10 | Deposit | NY | 13745 | 6074674990 | Larry Schaefer |
4 | Industry | 40933 | Delaware | Walton | MacGibbon, Jon | MacGibbon Quarry | 25411 State Highway 10 | Walton | NY | 13856 | 6074378499 | Jon MacGibbon |
4 | Industry | 40941 | Delaware | Deposit | GK Flagstone Inc | GK Flagstone Bluestone Quarry | 405 State Route 374 | Nicholson | PA | 18446 | 5708151476 | Gary Kilmer |
4 | Industry | 40944 | Delaware | Hancock | Shursky Properties LLC | Gee Brook Quarry | 3230 Creamton Drive | Lake Como | PA | 18737 | 5707982605 | Nick Shursky |
4 | Industry | 40953 | Delaware | Deposit | Devonian Stone Of New York Inc | Quarry on 17 | 463 Atwell Hill Road | Windsor | NY | 13865 | 6076552600 | Samuel Benitez |
4 | Industry | 40954 | Delaware | Meredith | Stonewall Pastures LLC | Stonewall Pastures Quarry | 546 Ehlermann Road | Delhi | NY | 13753 | 9086924349 | Ron Cieri |
4 | Industry | 40957 | Delaware | Hancock | Shursky Real Estate Co LLC | Long Eddy Quarry | PO Box 277 | Lake Como | PA | 18437 | 6072864181 | Nick Shursky |
4 | Industry | 40962 | Delaware | Colchester | Sonny And Sons Stone Company LLC | Downsville Quarry | 13141 State Highway 30 | Downsville | NY | 13755 | 6073637543 | Harry Triebe, Jr. |
4 | Industry | 40965 | Delaware | Tompkins | Sonny And Sons Stone Company LLC | Lee Moat Quarry #2 | 13141 State Highway 30 | Downsville | NY | 13755 | 6073637543 | Harry Triebe, Jr. |
4 | Industry | 40971 | Delaware | Hancock | Tompkins Realty And Development LLC | Young Quarry | 325 Tar Hollow Rd | Hancock | NY | 13783 | 6076375222 | Richard Mirch |
4 | Industry | 40162 | Greene | Ashland | Carver Sand And Gravel LLC | Ashland Sand And Gravel | 2170 River Road | Coeymans | NY | 12045 | 5183556034 | Carver Laraway |
4 | Industry | 40928 | Otsego | Unadilla | Kerwin Jr, Michael A | Ideuma Mine | 30 Crestwood Drive | Delhi | NY | 13753 | 6074348745 | Mike Kerwin |
7 | Industry | 70107 | Tompkins | Dryden | Finger Lakes Stone Co Inc | Finger Lakes Quarry | 41 Oak Brook Drive | Ithaca | NY | 14850 | 6072774992 | Nick Bellisario |
3 | Industry | 30618 | Ulster | Marbletown | H And R Rock Co Inc | H And R Rock Bluestone Mine | 1228 County Road 2 | Olivebridge | NY | 12461 | 8456576726 | Roger Davis |
3 | Industry | 30646 | Ulster | Rochester | Mombaccus Excavating Inc | Bluestone Quarry | 257 Rochester Center Road | Accord | NY | 12404 | 8456260903 | Keith Kortright |
Record Count: 97 Rows: 1 to 97