Water Well Contractors - Search Wizard

Well information column definitions

Town/City/Village – Town, city, or village where well is located. N/A indicates the value was not reported.

County – County where well is located.

Well# – Well number assigned by DEC.

Street Name – Street on which the well is located.

Well Location – Description of the well location.

Latitude (D/M/S) – Latitude (decimal degrees), GCS_WGS_1984. Blank indicates the value was not reported or was removed from the dataset due to inaccuracy.

Longitude (D/M/S) – Longitude (decimal degrees), GCS_WGS_1984. Blank indicates the value was not reported or was removed from the dataset due to inaccuracy.

Well Depth (FT) – Depth to bottom of well (feet below ground surface). Blank indicates the value was not reported.

Rock Depth (FT) – Depth to top of bedrock (feet below ground surface). ‘NR’ indicates that bedrock was not encountered. Blank indicates the value was not reported.

GW Depth (FT) – Depth to groundwater (feet below ground surface). Blank indicates the value was not reported.

Cased Depth (FT) – Depth to bottom of casing (feet below ground surface). Blank indicates the value was not reported.

Screen Used – Is the well screened (Y/N).

Yield (GPM) – Average discharge rate (gallons per minute). Blank indicates the value was not reported. Zero indicates no discharge.

Registration Number – Registration number of drilling company.