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Past Breeding Bird Atlas Results
Breeding Bird Atlas Logo

American Kestrel at Cavity Nest
American Kestrel
by John Perry Baumlin

The Second New York State Breeding Bird Atlas Project took place from 2000 to 2005 and the First Atlas from 1980-1985. Data available on this website were finalized in March 2007. The partners of the Atlas Project encourage use of Atlas data by governmental agencies, researchers, land use planners and others. Appropriate credit should be given in any use of the data as indicated in the Data Use Policy.

Data Use Policy and Recommended Citation

NYS Breeding Bird Atlas Home Page

Breeding Bird Atlas - Species List
Species List Inquiry
Enter a block number to see the list of species that have been reported. Choose from the 2nd or 1st atlas.
2000-2005 1980-1985

Breeding Bird Atlas - Maps By Species
Species Distribution
Taxonomic Order 1980-1985 2000-2005
Alphabetic Order 1980-1985 2000-2005
Compare Maps Taxonomic Order Alphabetic Order
Breeding Bird Atlas - Statistics
2nd Atlas Statistics
Total Records: 519,570
*Unique Records: 383,056
Volunteers: 1,207
Number of Breeding Species: 251
Number of Species Per Block: Map

*Unique records are the highest breeding category reported in a block for a species during the atlas project. These records are used to prepare the species distribution maps on this website.