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Environmental Remediation Databases Details

Site Record

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Administrative Information

Site Name: Harbor View Square
Site Code: C738040
Program: Brownfield Cleanup Program
EPA ID Number:


DEC Region: 7
Address: 68 West First Street
City:Oswego    Zip: 13126
Latitude: 43.460911
Longitude: -76.514197
Site Type:
Estimated Size: 2.438 Acres

Institutional And Engineering Controls

Control Type:       

Control Elements:       
Cover System
Landuse Restriction
Ground Water Use Restriction
Soil Management Plan
Monitoring Wells
O&M Plan
Vapor Mitigation
IC/EC Plan
Site Management Plan
Monitoring Plan

Site Owner(s) and Operator(s)

Current Owner Name: Harbor View Square, LLC
Current Owner(s) Address: 1201 East Fayette Street, Suite 26
                                               Syracuse,NY, 13210

Site Document Repository

Name: Oswego Public Library
Address: 120 East Second Street
Oswego,NY 13126
Name: NYSDEC - Region 7
Address: 615 Erie Blvd West
Syracuse,NY 13204

Site Description

Location: The Harbor View Square site is located at 68 West First Street in an urban area of the City of Oswego, Oswego County. It covers approximately 2.4 acres and consists of the block bounded by West First Street to the east, West Second Street to the west, West Schuyler Street to the south, and Lake Street to the north. Site Features: The site is relatively flat, except the westernmost edge of the site, where there is a retaining wall or a short, steep slope uphill to the west to West Second Street. Most of the site is covered by buildings or pavement, with the remainder covered by landscaping islands. There are three townhouse buildings on the site, two along the west side of the site and the third along the southeast side of the site, as well as a large, mixed-use, five story building, which is located in the northern portion of the site, and which has commercial space on the first floor with apartments/condos above. A storage garage/shed is also present near the southern end of the site. Current Zoning and Land Use: The site is being used for restricted-residential purposes (townhomes and apartments) and is planned to have commercial use in the mixed-use building. The site is currently zoned Traditional Downtown which allows for certain residential, commercial, and recreational uses. The Oswego River is located approximately 390 feet to the east of the site, and flows north into Lake Ontario, which, at its nearest point, is located approximately 100 feet north of the site. The area to the west of the site is primarily residential. The area to the south contains a mixture of residential and commercial properties, and to the north there is a municipal parking area, a boat launch, a marina, a United States Coast Guard facility, and a marine museum located on property owned by the Oswego Port Authority. To the east and northeast are industrial properties, including a major oil storage facility, the City of Oswego West Side Excess Flow Management facility, and a cement shipping terminal. Past Use of the Site: The site was used for industrial purposes from at least 1880 until about 2015. Past industrial operations at the site include a tinware manufacturing facility, lumberyards, a planing mill, Oswego Casket Company, Global Match Company, machine shops and a wire manufacturing facility, which was owned and/or operated by the Flexo Wire Company in 1960 and the Copperweld Steel Company, Flexo Wire Division in 1972. Prior uses that appear to have led to site contamination include solvent usage and disposal, reportedly associated with the wire drawing operations; coal storage, usage, and coal ash disposal; and metal working operations, including machining and annealing. Prior to remediation and the recent redevelopment, there was a one-story industrial building located on the west side of the site. There were formerly two sumps located in that building which were filled with concrete prior to the site investigation and remediation. There was formerly a 15,000-gallon underground storage tank located in the northeastern portion of the site. The tank was removed in September 2009. The tank was believed to have been connected to at least one of the sumps by a sub-surface utility line or lines. Site Geology and Hydrogeology: A cover system was constructed across the site as part of the remediation and redevelopment. Below the cover system, site soil consists of historic fill, which consists of a mixture of sand, silt, ash, wood, brick, and other debris. Historic fill is present below the cover system down to the top of bedrock, which is present at depths ranging from approximately 2 feet below grade to approximately 10 feet below grade. The ground surface and bedrock surface slope down to the east-northeast. Groundwater was generally not encountered in the overburden. Groundwater flow is to the east-northeast towards the Oswego River in both the shallow bedrock groundwater and deeper bedrock groundwater. The shallow bedrock groundwater is located directly below the top of bedrock, up to fifteen feet below the bedrock surface, which is at a maximum of 18.5 feet below the ground surface. The deeper bedrock groundwater has been monitored down to a depth of approximately 60 feet below grade.

Summary of Project Completion Dates

Projects associated with this site are listed in the Project Completion Dates table and are grouped by Operable Unit (OU). A site can be divided into a number of operable units depending on the complexity of the site and the number of issues associated with a site. Sites are often divided into operable units based on the media to be addressed (such as groundwater or contaminated soil), geographic area, or other factors.

Contaminants of Concern (Including Materials Disposed)

Contaminant Name/Type
tetrachloroethene (PCE)
trichloroethene (TCE)
vinyl chloride

Site Environmental Assessment

Remediation at the site is protective of public health and the environment. Remaining contamination in groundwater is being addressed through in-situ treatment. Remaining soil contamination is covered by an acceptable cover system which allows for restricted-residential use. The primary contaminants of concern for groundwater and soil vapor are trichloroethene and its degradation products, and for soil are metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Residual contamination in the soil, groundwater, and soil vapor is being managed under a Site Management Plan. Contamination is emanating from the site in groundwater and is present in off-site soil vapor. Refer to Site C738040A for information regarding the off-site area.

Site Health Assessment

Remedial actions are complete and measures are in place to prevent people from coming in contact with residual contamination.

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