Environmental Remediation Databases Details
Site Record
Document Repository
Administrative Information
Institutional And Engineering Controls
Site Owner(s) and Operator(s)
Site Document Repository
Site Description
Location: The Remington Rand Building site is an approximately 1.80-acre site located at 184 Sweeney Street in North Tonawanda, Erie County. The site is bounded by Tremont Street to the north, Marion Street to the west, Sweeney Street to the south and by an active railroad line to the east. Tonawanda Creek and the Erie Canal are located just over 150 feet south across Sweeney Street. This is an active recreation area and part of the Erie Canal system. Site Features: The property is relatively flat and includes an approximately 37,570 square foot slab-on-grade four-story concrete block and brick building. An approximately 14,100 square foot, one-story, slab-on grade brick building adjoins the four-story building on the south. The remainder of the property is occupied by asphalt/concrete and gravel parking areas with some green space. The use and configuration of buildings on this property has varied over time resulting in portions of the current buildings being located over former manufacturing areas. Current Zoning: The property is zoned for commercial use. Historical Use: Over the last 100 years, the site has been used for varied industrial and manufacturing purposes. Known or suspected contaminants include petroleum, chlorinated solvents, PAHs, metals, and PCBs. These contaminants are impacting the soil and groundwater. This site has been remediated. The Department signed the Certificate of Completion on November 30, 2010. The Site's intended future use is restricted residential. Geology/Hydrology: In general, fill material consisting of black to grey granular fill, including (C-F) coarse to fine gravel, (M-F) medium to fine sand and traces of concrete, wood, construction and demolition (C&D) debris and organic material was observed at 1-3 feet bgs at the north end and courtyard area of the site and up to 4 and 6 feet bgs in the south east parking area of the site. The soils below this layer consists of grey to brown, granular, loose, M-F sand and silt from 3 to 10 feet bgs. Soil borings and test trenches were terminated in reddish brown, tight, clay with M-F sand and C-F gravel lenses with traces of silt at between 8 and 17 feet bgs. Soils in some boreholes/trenches were wet to saturated at between 11-16 feet As noted in section 2.5, groundwater was encountered in all 5 of the monitoring wells installed across the site. Based on the groundwater elevations recorded in the table provided in section 2.5 the groundwater appears to flow from the southeast to the northwest across the site. This is somewhat adverse to what would be expected with the Erie Canal located to the south of the property. However, with the overburden water table being fairly close to the surface, flow may be influenced by the site fill conditions and also by buried utility runs within the Tremont Street and Marion Street right of ways to the north and west respectively. Site Management: Site management activities include annual inspections, maintenance of the cover system when required and the continued operation, monitoring and maintenance of the sub-slab depressurization system. The latest monitoring indicates that the remedy remains protective of public health and the environment.
Summary of Project Completion Dates
Contaminants of Concern (Including Materials Disposed)
Contaminant Name/Type |
1,1,1-Trichloroethane(TCA) |
anthracene |
arsenic |
barium |
benzo(a)anthracene |
benzo(a)pyrene |
benzo(b)fluoranthene |
benzo(g,h,i)perylene |
benzo(k)fluoranthene |
cadmium |
carbon tetrachloride |
chromium |
chrysene |
copper |
dibenz[a,h]anthracene |
fluoranthene |
indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene |
lead |
manganese |
mercury |
PCB aroclor 1248 |
phenanthrene |
pyrene |
trichloroethene (TCE) |
Site Environmental Assessment
Remediation of this site is complete. IRMs completed at the site addressed soil and vapor intrusion exposures in the building. An Environmental easement was filed with the Niagara County clerk in September 2010 and a Site Management Plan was approved on August 30, 2010. Residual contamination is being managed under a Site Management Plan.
Site Health Assessment
Completed remedial activities have eliminated potential routes of exposure to low level contamination.
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