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There are two ways to search the database: by spill number or by other search criteria. Entering a spill number will provide the full record for one spill. Entering other search criteria will provide a list of spills that meet the criteria, with partial information about each.
Search method #2: Enter as many search criteria as are known. Leave the city or street blank to obtain search results for all cities or streets. On the search results screen, click on a spill number to access the full record for a given spill.
County: The name of the New York State county or adjacent area in a neighboring state or Canada in which the spill occurred
City: The town, city or village in which the spill occurred
Street: Street name. The search will retrieve any street address that contains the entered string of characters (i.e., a search for "Main" will retrieve "101 Main Street", "33 Main Avenue", etc.) Hint: If you don't find what you're looking for, try a variant spelling (e.g. "eighth" or "8th").
Date Spill Reported: The date the spill was reported to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Glossary of Spill Response Terms