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Environmental Site Remediation Database Search

There are two ways to search the database: by site code or by other search criteria (see the definitions of the search terms below). Entering a site code will provide the full record for one site. Entering other search criteria will provide a list of sites that meet the criteria, with partial information about each.


Search method #2:  Enter as many search criteria as are known. (Note: misspellings will bring blank results - if unsure of spelling leave blank.) Leave the site name, city, or street blank to  obtain search results for all site names, cities, or streets. On the search results screen,  click on a site number to access the full record for a given site. (Hint: entering the county with all other fields blank will result in a list of all sites in the county.)

Search Term Definitions:

Site Name: A name assigned to the site. The search will retrieve any site name that contains the entered string of characters (i.e., a search for "station" will retrieve "fire station", "gas station", etc.).

Program: The search will retrieve sites in one of DER's Environmental Remediation Programs (i.e., State Superfund Program, Brownfield Cleanup Program) Overview of DER's Remedial Programs

Site Class: Classification assigned to the Site. Classification

County: The name of a county in New York State in which the site is located

Region: The DEC region in which the site is located

City: The town, city, or village in which the site is located

Street: Street name. The search will retrieve any street address that contains the entered string of characters (i.e., a search for "Main" will retrieve "101 Main Street", "33 Main Avenue", etc.) Hint: If you don't find what you're looking for, try a variant spelling (e.g. "eighth" or "8th").

Institutional and Engineering Controls: The search will retrieve sites at which the selected control has been put in place. The search is limited to the controls which are currently in the database. (Definitions of Institutional and Engineering Controls)

Glossary of Inactive Hazardous Waste Site Terms