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Office of Hearings and Mediation Services
Docket Management System

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Overview - 201671240
Case Name: Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC and Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, LLC (Atlantic Bridge Project)
Program ID Number(s): View   Region: Region 3
Case Type: Legislative (621/SEQRA) DEC Office: Central Office
DEC Program Type(s): View Statutes/Regulations: View
SEQR Class:   SEQR Info: View
Location Address: View Status: Closed
City/Town & County: Decision Document:
ALJ Assigned: McBride   Referral Date: 9/28/2016
Water quality certification, freshwater wetland, and stream disturbance permit application proceeding. DEC staff requests an ALJ to conduct a legislative hearing concerning a proposed expansion and modification of an existing natural gas pipeline located in Rockland, Westchester and Putnam Counties. Hearing scheduled for 10/19/16.