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Overview - 201974203
Case Name: Watkins Glen Solar Energy Center, LLC
Program ID Number(s): View   Region: Region 8
Case Type: NYS Dept. of Public Service DEC Office: Central Office
DEC Program Type(s): View Statutes/Regulations: View
SEQR Class:   SEQR Info: View
Location Address: View Status: Withdrawn
City/Town & County: DIX, TOWN OF (SCHUYLER COUNTY) (SCHUYLER) Decision Document:
ALJ Assigned: Stefanucci   Referral Date: 8/2/2019
Public Service Law article 10 power plant siting proceeding. Applicant proposes to site a 50 MW solar power generating facility in the Town of Dix, Schuyler County. Application filed 10/13/20. Application compliance letter issued 2/9/21. Hearings scheduled to commence 6/21/21 canceled. Notice of intent to transfer pursuant to Exec. Law 94-c filed. Notice of closure issued 4/15/21.