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Overview - 200762573
Case Name: Giambrone, Douglas and Marcon Erectors, Inc.
Program ID Number(s): View   Region: Region 9
Case Type: Enforcement DEC Office: Region 9
DEC Program Type(s): View Statutes/Regulations: View
SEQR Class: Type II SEQR Info: View
Location Address: View Status: Decision Issued
City/Town & County: BUFFALO, CITY OF (ERIE COUNTY) (ERIE) Decision Document: https://extapps.dec.ny.gov/docs/legal_protection_pdf/marconerectorsdo.pdf
ALJ Assigned: McBride   Referral Date: 3/15/2007
Violations of multiple federal and state laws and regulations governing hazardous waste and water pollution control determined in Commissioner's Order dated Dec. 31, 2001. On remand from Supreme Court, Erie County, for a hearing on penalty. Hearing held 11/7/07. Decision and Order issued 3/17/10. [http://extapps.dec.ny.gov/docs/legal_protection_pdf/mar conerectorsdo.pdf]