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Overview - 201368372
Case Name: DSC Properties, Inc.
Program ID Number(s): View   Region: Region 2
Case Type: Enforcement DEC Office: Region 2
DEC Program Type(s): View Statutes/Regulations: View
SEQR Class: Type II SEQR Info: View
Location Address: View Status: Settled
City/Town & County: QUEENS (ENTIRE), CITY OF (QUEENS COUNTY) (QUEENS) Decision Document:
ALJ Assigned: Buhrmaster   Referral Date: 5/23/2013
Multiple violations of ECL articles 15 and 27, respondents’ permits, and the SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities arising from the construction of a residential subdivision located in Queens County. DEC staff filed a statement of readiness for adjudicatory hearing. Settled by consent order dated 7/11/13.