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Overview - 202377100
Case Name: Caffrey, Matthew
Program ID Number(s): View   Region: Region 2
Case Type: Enforcement DEC Office: Region 2
DEC Program Type(s): View Statutes/Regulations: View
SEQR Class:   SEQR Info: View
Location Address: View Status: Order Issued
City/Town & County: MANHATTAN (ENTIRE), CITY OF (NEW YORK COUNTY) (NEW YORK) Decision Document: https://extapps.dec.ny.gov/hearings/128289.html
ALJ Assigned: Caruso   Referral Date: 12/30/2022
Motion for Order without hearing for violations of ECL 11-0535-a(2) by Respondent relating to the sale of ivory. Commissioner Order issued July 5, 2023. On July 25, 2023 ECO letter was sent to Jonathan Agosta, Esq., Region 2 Office. Order distributed and posted August 15, 2023.