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Docket List * Docket Filter Options
OHMS # Case Name ALJ Type Status
200863615 Parts 215 and 191 (Watertown) Villa Legislative (Regulations) Closed
2005J483 Parts 218/200.9 O''Connell Legislative (Regulations) Closed
2005J483 Parts 218/200.9 Casutto Legislative (Regulations) Decision Issued
2005J483 Parts 218/200.9 Garlick Legislative (Regulations) Decision Issued
2005J483 Parts 218/200.9; Albany Garlick Legislative (Regulations) Decision Issued
202074632 Parts 230, 231, and 235 Villa Legislative (Regulations) Closed
200662061 Parts 231 and 246 (Albany) DuBois Legislative (Regulations) Closed
200662062 Parts 231 and 246 (Avon) McBride Legislative (Regulations) Closed
200662063 Parts 231 and 246 (Long Island City) O''Connell Legislative (Regulations) Closed
201368472 Parts 242 and 200 (CO2 Budget Trading Program Revisions) Garlick Legislative (Regulations) Closed
201872838 Parts 243-245 (CSAPR Trading) and Part 251 (CO2 Standards for Major Power Plants) Wilkinson Legislative (Regulations) Closed
202578671 Parts 252, 253 and 511 (Cap and Invest Program) MacPherson Legislative (Regulations) Active
201974028 Parts 370-374 and 376 Stefanucci Legislative (Regulations) Closed
202175726 Parts 597 and 598 (CBS) and Part 613 (PBS) Oconnell Legislative (Regulations) Closed
202276886 Parts 597, 598, and 613, Chemical Bulk Storage Oconnell Legislative (Regulations) Closed
201872483 Parts 700, 703, and 890 (Beach Act Rulemaking) McBride Legislative (Regulations) Closed
200662229 Parts 700-704 (Water Quality Standards) O''Connell Legislative (Regulations) Closed
201469575 Parts 701 and 703 (6 NYCRR) McBride Legislative (Regulations) Closed
201268023 Parts 750 and 360 (Permits for CAFOs) Villa Legislative (Regulations) Closed
2002J792 Passaretti, Kathleen Villa Permit - UPA Withdrawn

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* The docket contains cases that have closed on or after January 1, 2005. For cases that closed before January 1, 2005, contact OHMS at 518-402-9003 or send e-mail to OHMS@dec.ny.gov.