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Docket List * Docket Filter Options
OHMS # Case Name ALJ Type Status
201267408 West 63 Empire Associates LLC Garlick Enforcement Decision Issued
201771509 West Branch, Inc. Villa NYS Dept. of Economic Development Closed
201065446 West Hampton Dunes, Village of Goldberger Permit - UPA Decision Issued
200561162 West Hempstead Mobil Convenience, Inc. O''Connell Enforcement Closed
202074726 West Wind Farms, Inc. McBride Legislative (621/SEQRA) Closed
202478492 West, Robert D. Sr. Caruso Enforcement Order Issued
200762563 West, Thomas (Fortuna/Winkky #R1) Wissler FOIL Appeal Closed FOIL Case
201165925 Westchester County, et al. (NYC Water Rates 1996-2003) O''Connell Permit - Non UPA Decision Issued
201267977 Wheelabrator Westchester, L.P. (RESCO Plant) A.L.J. Needed Permit - UPA Settled
2005J773 WHIBCO A.L.J. Needed Permit - UPA Withdrawn
201973922 Whispering Pines Development Corp. Garlick NYS Dept. of Economic Development Closed
201065780 White Arrow Service Stations, Inc. McClymonds Enforcement Settled
200964667 White, Lawrence G. Garlick Enforcement Decision Issued
2004J420 White, Leora; Leora White Scrap Iron & Metal Wissler Enforcement Decision Issued
2005J275 Whitestone Enterprises, Inc. Garlick Enforcement Decision Issued
200964903 Whitesville Field (East Resources Inc) Wissler Mediation Closed
200863577 Whitesville Field (East Resources Inc.) McClymonds Permit - Non UPA Settled
201670954 Whitman Engineering McBride NYS Dept. of Economic Development Closed
201569817 Whittaker, John Jr. McBride Enforcement Settled
200561385 Whitton, John P. Alexander; Asst. Comm. FOIL Appeal Closed FOIL Case

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* The docket contains cases that have closed on or after January 1, 2005. For cases that closed before January 1, 2005, contact OHMS at 518-402-9003 or send e-mail to OHMS@dec.ny.gov.