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Office of Hearings and Mediation Services
Docket Management System

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Docket List * Docket Filter Options
OHMS # Case Name ALJ Type Status
201670668 Zenith Management I LLC Villa Enforcement Decision Issued
202175602 Zere Real Estate Services, Inc. Olivieri NYS Dept. of Economic Development Settled
201772110 Zere Realty LLC Caruso Enforcement (Expedited) Settled
200964175 Zergebel, Donald Wissler Permit - UPA Settled
201065576 Zik Realty Corp. Villa Enforcement Decision Issued
200964341 Zimmer, Robert, Janet Zimmer and Adam Berry Goldberger Lake George Park Commission Decision Issued
200864039 Zoccolillo, Carmine G. McClymonds Enforcement Decision Issued
201671379 Zohov Realty Corp. Bassinson Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
200863587 Zoli, Elise (Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC) Casutto FOIL Appeal Closed FOIL Case
201974266 Zucco, Anthony O''Connell Enforcement (Expedited) Settled
200863631 Zupa, Mary Wissler Mediation Closed
200864122 Zupa, Mary Goldberger Permit - UPA Settled

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* The docket contains cases that have closed on or after January 1, 2005. For cases that closed before January 1, 2005, contact OHMS at 518-402-9003 or send e-mail to OHMS@dec.ny.gov.