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Docket Management System

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Docket List * Docket Filter Options
OHMS # Case Name ALJ Type Status
201973937 Audubon 550 W 171, LLC Garlick Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
2005J453 Austin, Charles Buhrmaster Enforcement Decision Issued
201267661 Austro, Elaine Garlick Enforcement Settled
201468959 Austro, Elaine Wissler Mediation Settled
201166889 Autoramo, Inc. Goldberger Enforcement Decision Issued
201873101 Avenue C Tenants Housing Development Fund Corporation O''Connell Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
200863645 Avis Rent A Car System, LLC Goldberger Enforcement Decision Issued
201569773 AWG Group, Inc. Villa NYS Dept. of Economic Development Closed
2003J088 Awosting Reserve; Gardiner, Shawangunk & Wawarsi Garlick Permit - UPA Withdrawn
200965176 B Petroleum Corp. Wissler Enforcement Decision Issued
202477938 B&W Towing LLC et al Caruso Enforcement Inactive
201873589 B.L.K. Lall & Sons, Inc. McClymonds Enforcement Settled
202176264 Babylon Riding Center Oconnell Enforcement Decision Issued
2002J809 Backer, Barry Villa Permit - UPA Withdrawn
201065581 Badlands Dairy LLC Villa Enforcement Decision Issued
201166159 Bagan, Maria Garlick Enforcement Decision Issued
201974309 Baird, Andrew McClymonds FOIL Request Closed FOIL Case
201873028 Balcomb, Amber McClymonds FOIL Request Closed FOIL Case
201267614 Baldwin, Scott A. Garlick Enforcement Order Issued
201772073 Balestrieri, Barbara McClymonds FOIL Request Closed FOIL Case

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* The docket contains cases that have closed on or after January 1, 2005. For cases that closed before January 1, 2005, contact OHMS at 518-402-9003 or send e-mail to OHMS@dec.ny.gov.