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Docket Management System

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Docket List * Docket Filter Options
OHMS # Case Name ALJ Type Status
2004J338 206 Audubon, LLC McBride Enforcement Settled
201570192 2089-91 Amsterdam Avenue Housing Development Fund Corporation Caruso Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
201368081 2112 Honeywell Avenue, LLC McBride Enforcement Decision Issued
201570191 2141 Prospect Avenue Housing Development Fund Corporation Caruso Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
202377469 2200 Bleecker Street Properties LLC McBride Enforcement Settled
202478133 2200 Bleecker Street Properties, LLC Caruso Enforcement Order Issued
201974159 2206 Cornaga, LLC Caruso Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
201267616 234-250 Andrews Street LLC (Kirstein Building Parking Lot) Sherman Other Decision Issued
201165910 235 St. Nicholas, Inc. (Mohammed, Farooq) Goldberger Enforcement Decision Issued
201771638 2363 Southern Boulevard, LLC Caruso Enforcement Decision Issued
202478659 241 Marine LLC and Walter and Gail Harris MacPherson Permit - UPA Active
201973810 241 West 108 Ltd. Caruso Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
201670635 246 President Street LLC Caruso Enforcement (Expedited) Settled
201469402 2477 Grand Avenue Corp. Caruso Enforcement Decision Issued
200763188 2526 Valentine LLC McClymonds Enforcement Order Issued
201065632 2735 Creston Associates LLC Wissler Enforcement Decision Issued
201771871 286 West 151st Street Housing Development Fund Corporation Bassinson Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
201771639 2918 Boston Post Road Realty Corp. Caruso Enforcement Decision Issued
201771641 2B Architecture + Design, PLLC O''Connell NYS Dept. of Economic Development Closed
2004J339 3-7 West 108th Realty Corp. McBride Enforcement Closed

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* The docket contains cases that have closed on or after January 1, 2005. For cases that closed before January 1, 2005, contact OHMS at 518-402-9003 or send e-mail to OHMS@dec.ny.gov.