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Docket List * Docket Filter Options
OHMS # Case Name ALJ Type Status
202075118 Dynamic Electric System Inc. O''Connell NYS Dept. of Economic Development Closed
2003J156 Dynegy Northeast Generation (Danskammer Electric Generating Facility) O''Connell Permit - UPA Decision Issued
2005J466 Dynegy Northeast Generation, Inc. (Roseton Generating Station) O''Connell Permit - UPA Decision Issued
201166003 Dyre Ave Auto Repair Corp., Minnelly L. De La Hoz, Haro L. Lantigua, Genelly Cornelio and Cristain Tejada O''Connell Enforcement Decision Issued
200762426 Dzybon #1 (Fortuna Energy, Inc.) McClymonds Permit - Non UPA Decision Issued
2005J342 E & C Mgmt Casutto Enforcement Decision Issued
2002J999 E. Tetz & Sons, Inc. (Crystal Run Road) Garlick Permit - Non UPA Closed
201772383 E.A. Walters Corp. Wilkinson NYS Dept. of Economic Development Withdrawn
201065664 E.J. Simek General Contractors, Inc. Wissler Mediation Closed
201569932 Eagan, David E. McClymonds FOIL Request Closed FOIL Case
201974084 Eagle Eye Transport, LLC Garlick NYS Dept. of Economic Development Withdrawn
202377808 Eagle Harbor Sand & Gravel, Inc. Oconnell Legislative (621/SEQRA) Closed
202074900 East 89th Associates, LLC Caruso Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
201065684 East Coast Petroleum, Inc. Garlick Enforcement Settled
202175421 East End Solutions Inc. Sherman NYS Dept. of Economic Development Withdrawn
202276981 East Food Mart, Inc. and Chamba Holdings, LLC Phillips Enforcement Order Issued
201267550 East Harlem Lexington HDFC, Inc. (135 East 122nd Street) Wissler Enforcement Decision Issued
201267552 East Harlem Lexington HDFC, Inc. (149 East 118th Street) Wissler Enforcement Decision Issued
201267551 East Harlem Lexington HDFC, Inc. (158 East 119th Street) Wissler Enforcement Decision Issued
201873380 East Point Energy Center Caruso NYS Dept. of Public Service Decision Issued

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* The docket contains cases that have closed on or after January 1, 2005. For cases that closed before January 1, 2005, contact OHMS at 518-402-9003 or send e-mail to OHMS@dec.ny.gov.