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Docket List * Docket Filter Options
OHMS # Case Name ALJ Type Status
201469144 Fuller, Ronnie E. Sherman Enforcement Decision Issued
200863576 Fulton Cogeneration Associates LP Garlick Enforcement Decision Issued
201973988 Furniture Resource Group, LLC Villa NYS Dept. of Economic Development Withdrawn
201469659 Furs by Gigi, Ltd. Wissler Enforcement Decision Issued
201873521 G & E Officeworld, Inc. Villa NYS Dept. of Economic Development Closed
201368369 G & J Ready Mix & Masonry Supply, Inc. Caruso Enforcement Decision Issued
201166902 G & J Ready Mix and Masonry Supply, Inc. Wissler Enforcement Settled
201772077 G&M Properties HP HDFC, Inc. (1268 Stratford Ave.) Bassinson Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
201772054 G&M Properties HP HDFC, Inc. (1350-1352 University Ave.) Villa Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
201772079 G&M Properties HP HDFC, Inc. (1585 East 172nd Street) Bassinson Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
201772053 G&M Properties HP HDFC, Inc. (1589-91 East 172nd St) Villa Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
201166266 G.T. Forest Products, Inc., d//b/a General Timber Co. A.L.J. Needed Enforcement Settled
2005J458 Gallace Auto Dismantling, Inc. (Kubis Auto Parts) McClymonds Enforcement Settled
201772181 Gallagher, Edward Caruso Enforcement Decision Issued
200762838 Gallo Brothers Construction, Inc. A.L.J. Needed Enforcement Settled
200661540 Gallo, Anthony DuBois Permit - UPA Withdrawn
201570353 Gallo, Jon McClymonds FOIL Request Closed FOIL Case
201670970 Galloo Island Wind, LLC Caruso NYS Dept. of Public Service Withdrawn
201469381 Galloway, Bruce and Tamara Galloway Wissler Enforcement Decision Issued
200762429 Ganga, Elizabeth Alexander; Asst. Comm. FOIL Appeal Closed FOIL Case

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* The docket contains cases that have closed on or after January 1, 2005. For cases that closed before January 1, 2005, contact OHMS at 518-402-9003 or send e-mail to OHMS@dec.ny.gov.