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Docket Management System

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Docket List * Docket Filter Options
OHMS # Case Name ALJ Type Status
201469417 Moran, William R. Garlick Enforcement Settled
202276757 Morehouse, Mark W. Ukeritis Enforcement Order Issued
201671380 Morgan Materials, Inc. Villa Enforcement Decision Issued
201872531 Morgan Materials, Inc. Villa Enforcement Decision Issued
202075229 Moriah Hydro Corp. Caruso Permit - UPA Withdrawn
202175420 Morris Ridge Solar Energy Center, LLC O''Connell NYS Office of Renewable Energy Siting Decision Issued
2005J452 Morton, Shirley Felder; Rock-A-Felder Enterprises, Inc. McClymonds Enforcement Withdrawn
201166552 Mosholu Parkway, LLC Wissler Enforcement Decision Issued
200661690 Motoran, Inc. and Eli Alenick A.L.J. Needed Enforcement Settled
202074635 Mott Haven 140, LLC (451 E 140th Street) Caruso Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
202074636 Mott Haven 140, LLC (481 E 140th Street) Caruso Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
2005J469 Mott, Mark Garlick Permit - UPA Withdrawn
2005J238 Mottola, Thomas DuBois Permit - UPA Withdrawn
200763155 Motyl,Shirley J. Alexander; Asst. Comm. FOIL Appeal Closed FOIL Case
201065864 Mount Kisco Transfer Station, Inc. A.L.J. Needed Permit - UPA Settled
201772151 Mountain Mart 105, LLC Wissler Mediation Settled
201772152 Mountain Mart 106, LLC Wissler Mediation Settled
2010J172 Mountainstop, Inc Villa Enforcement Decision Issued
200763255 Mousaw, Peggy Goldberger FOIL Appeal Closed FOIL Case
201469102 MPM Silicones LLC McBride Legislative (621/SEQRA) Closed

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* The docket contains cases that have closed on or after January 1, 2005. For cases that closed before January 1, 2005, contact OHMS at 518-402-9003 or send e-mail to OHMS@dec.ny.gov.