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Docket Management System

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Docket List * Docket Filter Options
OHMS # Case Name ALJ Type Status
2004J405 Parent, Jr., David McClymonds Enforcement Decision Issued
200763115 Parisi, Guy T and Claudel, Marie Garlick Permit - UPA Settled
201873558 Park Sanford Owners Corp. Caruso Enforcement (Expedited) Decision Issued
202276704 Parker/Parker Phillips Enforcement Order on Consent
201267660 Parkview Landscaping Ltd Garlick Enforcement Settled
201469403 Parkway Residence, LLC Caruso Enforcement Settled
201065282 Parmar Brothers, Inc. DuBois Enforcement Decision Issued
201873413 Parnin, Kate McClymonds FOIL Request Closed FOIL Case
202478288 Part 182 (Endangered Species List Update) Caruso Legislative (Regulations) Closed
202478423 Part 182 (Endangered Species Mitigation) Caruso Legislative (Regulations) Closed
202478232 Part 182 (Endangered Species Repromulgation) Caruso Legislative (Regulations) Closed
202478556 Part 199 (Forest Tax Law) McBride Legislative (Regulations) Closed
200561426 Part 200 (Albany) Goldberger Legislative (Regulations) Closed
200662164 Part 200 (Albany) Amendements to 6 NYCRR DuBois Legislative (Regulations) Closed
200561427 Part 200 (Avon) Wissler Legislative (Regulations) Closed
200561425 Part 200 (Long Island City) Casutto Legislative (Regulations) Closed
200863965 Part 200 and 239 (Avon) (Portable Fuel Container Spillage Control) Garlick Legislative (Regulations) Closed
200863961 Part 200 and 239 (Long Island City) (Portable Fuel Container Spillage Control) Villa Legislative (Regulations) Closed
202175662 Part 203 (Oil and Natural Gas Sector) Olivieri Legislative (Regulations) Closed
201973729 Part 205 (AIM Coatings) and Subpart 227-3 (Ozone Season NOx Emissions for Turbines) McBride Legislative (Regulations) Closed

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* The docket contains cases that have closed on or after January 1, 2005. For cases that closed before January 1, 2005, contact OHMS at 518-402-9003 or send e-mail to OHMS@dec.ny.gov.