Search DEC Permit Applications Data
Search DEC Permit Applications with Final Disposition or Currently Under Review:
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Detailed information on environmental permit applications processed by the Department under the Uniform Procedures Act can be accessed through this search wizard, including the status of applications with a final disposition or currently under review. This search wizard provides the means to do searches of applications by their specific 15-digit DEC application number, company or project name, location, date range or permit type. The results from these searches can be further sorted by applicant name, facility name or application status.
When a permit application is received by the Department it is logged into the Department Application Review Tracking (DART) system. The search wizard retrieves information directly from the DART database. As soon as new information is entered into the DART system, it becomes immediately available to the search wizard. Applications can be tracked regularly by entering the 15 digit DEC permit application number or by performing an application search.
The DEC Permit Application Detail page provides information related to the status of an application with respect to the Department's procedural review and determinations made under the Uniform Procedures Act (UPA) and State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR). It also supplies links to both the Department's Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB) and to the DEC's regional office of the contact person processing the application. In situations where a public notice is required for the application, such as when the application is determined complete or when the application will be the subject of a public hearing, it must be published in the ENB. The link to the DEC contact person may be used to submit formal comments during the public comment period.
This site does not provide information related to the Department's technical review of the application, nor does it provide information on the content of the permit. That information may be obtained from the DEC contact person. When application-related documents are sought, it may require filing a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request. For more information on filing a FOIL request, go to Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) .
The DART system contains information on all DEC permit applications received since 1988. As of March 18, 2025 the database contained over 978,163 applications, with 220,101 applications being active at the time.