2023 Little Long Pond Town(s) of Southampton Suffolk County Atlantic Ocean - Long Island Sound Basin

Waterbody Assessment Trophic State HABs Frequency Invasive Species
Download Assessment Here Mesotrophic No Reported Blooms Invasives Reported


How to read this report:

This goal of this report is to answer the common question, “How is Little Long Pond doing?” As there is more than one way to answer this question, the report has been broken down into six sections, described below, to give a comprehensive understanding of the waterbody’s condition.

For a detailed summary of the data sources and analyses used to generate this report, see the 2023 Lake Reports Data Sources and Analyses.

For information on water ecology, monitoring, and management throughout New York State, see Diet for a Small Lake: The Expanded Guide to New York State Lake and Watershed Management.

Evaluated Data

New York State lakes are classified to reflect their best uses (e.g., water supply, recreation, and/or fishing) and data are evaluated against water quality standards to determine if water quality conditions support these best uses. The assessment of the lake is published in the waterbody segment factsheet and the select data used to derive this evaluation are reported in the Evaluated Data tab of this report.

Trophic State

Trophic state refers to the overall biological productivity of a waterbody. Very productive waterbodies can have plants, animals, and/or algae that grow to nuisance levels. Therefore, trophic state is a measure of lake water quality used worldwide. The trophic parameters are reported in this tab and contextualized with trend calculations and statewide distribution plots.


Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a concern in freshwater systems worldwide. Several types of HABs also have the ability to produce toxins which can pose health risks. Exposure to any HABs can cause health effects in people and animals. This is true regardless of toxin levels. This tab summarizes the occurrence and frequency of public HAB reports to NYHABS on this waterbody.

Invasive Species

Introduced, non-native organisms can pose a nuisance to human use and/or harm ecosystem health of a waterbody. This tab provides a comprehensive list of invasive species, reported to iMapInvasives, for this waterbody.

Depth Profile

A depth profile is a set of in-situ measurements collected vertically at the deepest point of the waterbody. Depth profiles are a valuable tool used to understand how conditions change with depth. Vertical profile plots are given in this tab for each profile parameter collected in this waterbody.

Other Parameters

Additional parameters are analyzed in order to understand properties of the waterbody that aren’t related to the topics above. These may include other nutrients, minerals, and salt that do not have applicable water quality standards. Results from these parameters are reported in this tab and contextualized.


All data available for this waterbody are reported in the Data tab. The first table provides a comprehensive list of all the locations that have been sampled. The second table provides the parameter data collected at these locations. Finally, the third table provides a complete list of public HAB reports for this waterbody.

Evaluated Data

Each lake in New York State is classified to reflect the best uses of the lake. The NYSDEC water quality assessment determines whether these best uses are being supported by the lake’s water quality conditions. The lake’s assessment is published in the waterbody segment factsheet . Assessments are updated during even years and the most recent published assessment considers data collected 2011-2021. Data collected after 2021 are not reflected in this tab.

The following plots display the NYSDEC data evaluated according to the (NYS Water Quality Standards). These evaluations are used to determine the waterbody assessment according to the (Consolidated Assessment and Listing Methodology).

How to read these plots: Each circle represents a single observation on the waterbody, unless labeled annually averaged. Black points are excursions of the Water Quality Standards and grey points are not. The plots are split into four sections for each parameter; from left to right: the first section shows annual data; the next section shows seasonal data; the next section shows the statewide distribution with the median for this lake displayed as a horizontal bar; the last section of text explains the legend for that plot, a brief description of the parameter, the median measurement, and a decadal trend statement. Asterisks indicate a significance test (p<0.05). The title on the y axis, tells which group each parameter belongs to. The x-axis describes the year of observation on the left, and the month on the right. The parameters sampled may vary from year to year depending on the focus of the sampling program.


There are no data to complete a 2022 assessment of the Fishing use for Little Long Pond. Parameters sampled by NYSDEC to evaluate this use are dissolved metals (aluminum, arsenic, copper, nickel, and zinc as well as hardness for specific standards calculations), nutrient parameters (ammonia, nitrite, total dissolved solids, as well as pH and temperature for specific standards calculations), and in situ parameters (dissolved oxygen, pH) according to SOP 203. Although this is the standard sampling suite used by NYSDEC, it is not a comprehensive list of all water quality standards applicable to fishing best use.

Trophic State

Trophic state refers to the overall biological productivity of a waterbody. Nutrient supply, light availability, regional climate, watershed characteristics, and lake morphology influence a waterbody’s trophic state. Based on the amount of overall productivity, waterbodies are classified into three main categories: oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and eutrophic. Chlorophyll A, total phosphorus, and secchi depth are used as indicators to determine trophic state classifications according thresholds defined in SOP 203.

The trophic state of Little Long Pond is Mesotrophic.

Oligotrophic lakes carry low levels of nutrients and have less productivity. These lakes are often clear, cold, and have high oxygen levels.

Mesotrophic lakes are an intermediate classification between oligotrophic and eutrophic lakes. They contain a moderate amount of nutrients and support a healthy, diverse population of aquatic plants, animals, and algae.

Eutrophic lakes carry high levels of nutrients and have high productivity. These lakes may support an overgrowth of aquatic plants and/or algae. They are typically murky, warm, and have low oxygen levels.

How to read these plots: Each circle represents a single observation and is colored to highlight oligotrophic (green), mesotrophic (yellow), and eutrophic (red) conditions. The plots are split into four sections for each parameter; from left to right: the first section shows annual data; the next section shows seasonal data; the next section shows the statewide distribution with the median for this lake displayed as a horizontal bar; the last section of text explains the legend for that plot, a brief description of the parameter, the median measurement, a decadal trend statement, and a statement over the entire data record. Asterisks indicate a significance test (p<0.05). If there is enough data available, a gray trend line will be displayed on the annual plot.


Harmful Algal Bloom (HABs) are a concern in freshwater systems worldwide. They generally consist of visible patches of cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, and may produce toxins. Under conditions with adequate nutrient availability, warm temperatures, and calm winds, cyanobacteria may multiply rapidly and form blooms that are visible on a waterbody’s surface. Regardless of toxin presence, HABs may pose health risks to people and animals through pathways of ingestion, skin contact, or inhalation. NYSDEC documents the occurrence of HABs through a public reporting platform called the New York Harmful Algal Bloom System or NYHABS. Reports of HABs are confirmed through visual confirmation by NYSDEC staff and published on this platform. The NYHABS reporting platform opens to the public each year in May and typically closes in November. Though this is the HAB monitoring season, blooms may occur other times of the year. To learn more about HABs visit NYSDEC’s HABs page. To report a HAB during the HAB monitoring season visit the NYHABS Notifications Page.

How to read this plot: The plot is a summary of HAB reported observations. Each circle represents a confirmed HAB report and the colors coincide with the observer estimated geographic extent of the bloom. The season on the y-axis proceeds in an upward direction, typically from June (bottom) through October (top).

There are no reported HABs in Little Long Pond. Typically, a plot describing bloom events and locations would be reported here.

Invasive Species

Invasive species refers to introduced, non-native organisms that negatively impact an ecosystem. Rooted aquatic plants, algae, animals, bacteria, viruses, and insects can all be invasive species. The introduction of these organisms can adversely affect the environment or human health. Predators, parasites, and diseases that exist in these organisms’ native habitat control the fast-paced reproduction and spreading that tend to occur in their introduced habitat. Invasive species are one of the greatest threats to New York State’s biodiversity. They can be introduced and spread from international trade, connected waterways, aquarium releases, boaters or anglers who do not clean, drain, and dry their equipment correctly, dumped bait, and a variety of other ways. To learn more about invasive species visit NYSDEC’s Aquatic Invasive Species page.

Invasive species have been reported in Little Long Pond. This is the specific list of observations in this waterbody. Some species may have been eradicated since last reported. To report invasive species observations, please visit iMapInvasives.
Common Name Scientific Name Type
Water Hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes Plant

Depth Profile

Depth profiles are measurements collected using an in-situ probe across the vertical profile of a waterbody and typically at the deepest location. The initial recording is taken at the surface and is then lowered by a meter for each subsequent observation. A measurement is taken at each interval until the probe is one meter off the bottom. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, ORP, specific conductivity, turbidity, chlorophyll A, and phycocyanin measurements are collected through this process. The data collected are a valuable tool used to understand how conditions change with depth.

How to read these plots: Each colored line represents readings collected on a specific date. Each circle on the line represents a single observation collected from the profile of the water column that day. The plots start at the surface (0 meters) and work their way down the water column, with an observation at roughly every 1 meter. The title on the x axis represents each parameter collected from the depth profile.

Depth profiles were not collected from Little Long Pond. Typically, the vertical profile plots would be reported here.

Other Parameters

Additional parameters are analyzed to understand properties of the waterbody.

How to read these plots: Each circle represents a single observation on the waterbody. The plots are split into four sections for each parameter; from left to right: the first section shows annual data; the next section shows seasonal data; the next section shows the statewide distribution with the median for this lake displayed as a horizontal bar, if applicable; the last section of text explains the legend for that plot, a brief description of the parameter, the median measurement, and a decadal trend statement. Asterisks indicate a significance test (p<0.05). If there is enough data available, a gray trend line will be displayed on the annual plot. The colors of points within each plot are specific to each parameter; refer to the descriptions on the right-hand side of each plot for more information.


Sample Locations

Results reported in the data tables were collected from the following locations:


HAB Reports

There is no HAB data from Little Long Pond. Typically, all data from NYHABS for this waterbody would be reported here.