The following applications filed with the Department do not meet statewide spacing. The below list does NOT include wells proposed in oil fields or pools which were discovered, developed and operated prior to January 1, 1981 and does NOT include wells proposed in gas fields or pools which were discovered, developed and operated prior to January 1, 1995 and which are not being extended.
If permits are issued for these wells, the Department also intends to issue spacing orders which establish spacing units for the listed wells. Spacing orders are required because the proposed spacing units for these wells do not conform to statewide spacing as defined by 23-0501(1)(b) and are not of approximately uniform shape with other spacing units within the same field or pool, and/or do not abut other spacing units in the same pool with sufficient distance between non-abutting units for another unit to be developed. The Department has determined, pursuant to 23-0503(3)(b), that the spacing units proposed by the well operators for the wells listed below meet the policy objectives of section 23-0301. Spacing unit maps may be reviewed by appointment only in the respective regional offices.
Prior to permit issuance for any well listed below, the well operator is required to provide notice of the proposed well and spacing unit. A 30-day comment period, as provided by 23-0503(3)(c), follows that notice. The permit and spacing order will not be issued until one of the following occurs: (1) the Department determines that no substantive and significant issues have been raised, or (2) an adjudicatory hearing has been held to address any substantive and significant issues. For information concerning the status of notice, comments or a hearing, if applicable, please e-mail the Oil & Gas Regulation Section in the Bureau of Oil & Gas Permitting and Management, Albany office.
After permit issuance, any spacing unit wherein the acreage is not 100% controlled by the well operator will be scheduled for an integration hearing pursuant to subdivision 23-0901(3).
Last updated: 03/13/2025 7:31 PM
None pending at this time.