Mineral Resources Environmental Notice Bulletin
The Department of Environmental Conservation ("the Department") hereby gives notice, pursuant to Environmental Conservation Law ("ECL") §23-0901(3)(c), that integration hearings will be held to address compulsory integration of interests in the wells listed below. All hearings will start at 9:00 am.
Spacing units have previously been established for the listed wells. Spacing unit configuration will not be reviewed at the hearing. Compulsory integration of interests within the spacing unit for each well listed below is required because the unit includes one or more owners who have not entered into a voluntary lease or participation agreement with the well operator. The ECL refers to such owners as "uncontrolled owners."
Each UNCONTROLLED OWNER in a spacing unit for a listed well will receive actual notice of this hearing directly from the well operator at least 30 days prior to the hearing date. The notice will include, among other things, a Compulsory Integration Election Form which must be returned to the Department and the Well Operator within 21 calendar days. The Department recommends that, prior to making an election, the uncontrolled owner carefully review all of the materials received from the Well Operator and the Department's publication, Landowner's Guide to Compulsory Integration Options . Failure by an uncontrolled owner to return the election form within 21 days will result in integration as a royalty owner.
The hearing is open to the public, and any interested party may attend. Hearing attendance is MANDATORY ONLY for the following entities:
Uncontrolled owners in spacing units for the wells listed below are not prohibited from entering leases or other private agreements regarding development of their oil and gas rights.
Additional information on the integration hearing process is available in Department Program Policy DMN-1 .
Last updated: 03/13/2025 5:15 AM
None Pending at this time.