Index of /fs/projects/SWMF/Annual Reports_Solid Waste Management Facility/Annual Reports_by Activity Type
Name Size
Anaerobic Digestion/ -
CD Processor/ -
Composting - Biosolids/ -
Composting - SSOW/ -
Composting - Yard Waste/ -
Household Hazardous Waste Events/ -
Household Hazardous Waste Facilities_HHW/ -
Land Application - Biosolids/ -
Land Application - Non Recognizable Food Processing/ -
Land Application - Septage/ -
Landfill/ -
MSW Processor/ -
Mulch Processing Facilities/ -
Municipal Waste Combustors_MWC/ -
Other/ -
Recyclables Handling and Recovery Facilities_RHRF/ -
Regulated Medical Waste/ -
Scrap Metal Processor/ -
Storage - Organics Recycling Facilities/ -
Thermal Treatment/ -
Transfer Facilities/ -
Used Cooking Oil Processing/ -
Vehicle Dismantler Facilties_VDF/ -
Waste Oil Reports/ -
Waste Tire Storage/ -