Mines Data Search
The ability to locate and track mines regulated under the Mined Land Reclamation Law (MLRL) is the heart of the searchable on-line database. The drop-down search list contains over a dozen search parameters that can be used singly or in combination to get just the results you want. If you click on the highlighted links in the results table, you will also get both general inspection and reclamation inspection records.
The majority of regulated mines are operations that remove more than 1,000 tons or 750 cubic yards of minerals in 12 consecutive months. The MLRL also requires a permit for removing more than 100 cubic yards of minerals from or adjacent to water bodies that are not protected by ECL Article 15 (requires a permit to disturb bed or banks of classified (AA-CT) water bodies). Lands affected by mining before 1975 and not re-affected by later mining, are also specifically exempt from the MLRL.
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